Insyde Scoop

One of the illuminati symbols

If there is good in this world, then evil has to exist. So when we discuss the good of God we are in awe because of how bad or evil the devil is. In school, same as in every other society, both forces are at war and each side claims victory. Who is the ref? Who keeps score? Would anyone openly come out and say they support evil? This leaves us with the question, how do we know if illuminati have infiltrated our institutions?
If it looks like a parrot and sounds like a parrot, then chances are that it’s a parrot.  So, what practices among the youth are suspect and similar to the illuminati’s?
Secret cliques
If what we read about is to be believed, then the illuminati thrive in secrecy and do not bother to explain themselves. In school, the cool guys have cliques that thrive on this privacy and most of them even develop secret languages and handshakes. Let’s not point fingers here, but couldn't this just be how the illuminati started?
Bullying rituals
In most boy schools, there are rituals that are performed on 101s so that they can be allowed to be part of the larger school population. A lot of these rituals, for example running naked at night while screaming, are ancient rituals. None of the students understand their origin. If you dig a little bit deeper, chances are that they are decades old and were once used in some form of cleansing ceremony. Cleansing from what?
Obsession with fashion
Being a teenie means looking fly and nothing is as cool as wearing the latest gear. Shambalaz, gothic dresses, leather bracelets with spikes and T-shirts with insignia. Yes, they look very nice but the question is: what does putting them on mean? Is it a symbol of the occult?
Lyrics to your favourite song
“Well! It is a weeping and a moaning and a gnashing of teeth”
These words come from the intro to the major Kanye West hit Mercy. They are a description of hell from the book of Revelations in the Bible. Teenies are busy learning the newest and hottest lyrics, but do they know what they mean?

Tattoos and piercings that you don't understand
Back in the day, guys got their two front teeth knocked out in case they got infected with tetanus which leads to lockjaw so they would still be able to eat. Every ancient piercing and tattoo had a reason and meaning. Today, teeniez get tattoos because they are cool and pierce their bodies in the most unique places in order to stand out. But what does your marking really mean? When you pierce your lip, what does it mean?

Blurring the line between boys and girls
Skinny jeans are unisex. Boys are applying nail polish and wearing dozens of bangles. Slowly but surely, these two sexes are becoming the same. In freemasonry, which has always been linked to illuminati, only men are allowed to be members. Some people believe that with the defined gender differences becoming unclear, boys and girls are becoming one. This means that we can then be of one religion.

So what does it all mean? Nobody knows, it’s just provocative.

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