Monday, July 8, 2013


What is the definition of sex to teens? Has it become very casual that it’s included in the ‘getting to know each other ’ stage of a relationship? Are they using protection? Does the person they are having sex with matter? At what age do they start having sex? Shocking revelations were made by the I-QRU, guys are out there Gerring it in, Hammering, Banging,Chopping, Romping, Smashing, and worse still kuna wale wana Rombosa na Kunyanduana without a thought about STD’s and unwanted pregnancies.This is because contraceptive are the last thing they think about during  this ‘fun times’.

It was a breath of fresh air to learn that most teens use protection on their first night of sex. But what happens later is heart breaking. They later on find it very hard to step into a pharmacy to get the contraceptive. Some find it very hectic to keep on getting them. Read more on how teens are getting themselves into craaaay ish.

This mami has killed it with her role in the Scandal series. What is her smash history? We wont destroy the excitement, so grab your copy and get to know her, beyond the series.

We’ve getting so much love from schools this month. From Starehe Bee to Mu’high, NewLight Senior Gee and St. Lucie Kiriri. Check out the photo spread of hot mama’s to hit up on the next funkie.

What are T.A’s doing to make sure teens stay moral during funkies? Is the media to blame? Does charity still begin at home, or parents have neglected their children and have given more concentration to making the paper? 

PLUS: Catch all the stuff that makes this the coolest mag on the planet: big ups, skool gossip, celeb 411, Ever Wonder and of course, Miss Biatch herself.

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