Thursday, October 30, 2014

10 Things Guys Find Unattractive

Women love gossip. They notice the smallest things that men do wrong and then discuss them with their girlfriends. What about men? Do they notice ladies’ mistakes? Does an average guy whose occupation has nothing to do with fashion really understand anything about women’s outfit, perfume, or makeup? Some do. And here are 10 things they find unattractive:
1. Intricate Hairstyle
1. hairstyleAn intricate hairstyle is alright for a carnival or an extravagant photo session in a studio. In all other situations natural-looking hair is preferred. It’s far more pleasant to see and touch hair that is free of styling gels, sticky hair sprays and other hair products.
2. Heavy Foundation
2. foundationFoundation is created to hide fine lines, blemishes and little flaws. It makes your skin look healthy and smooth. It can even out your complexion and improve your skin tone. If it is visible, then you do not apply it right. Foundation is supposed to be invisible to others and even you. Thoroughly blend it with your skin – that’s the only way to avoid the mask effect.
3. Glitter and Shimmer on Your Eyelids
3. glitterIf you are not a professional makeup artist, it’ll better if you avoid using glittery and shimmery eye shadow. Very few succeed in applying it anyways. Matte shadow is always better because it does not cling to the eye crease.
4. Gummed up Lashes
4. gumed upThis is what usually happens when you apply too much mascara. It clumps and does not make your eyes look sexy and tempting at all. Use mascara of good quality. Experiment with several brands and pick the best one for you – the one that does not smudge under your eyes or rub off after a couple of hours. Finally, use a special brush to comb your lashes and remove the clumps.
5. Badly Shaved Body
5. bad shaveWhether you like it or not, men prefer smooth skin. Take care of your entire body. Make sure that your legs and armpits are perfectly clean and hairless. Such things play even a greater role than makeup. It tells a lot about your hygiene and there is no point in applying makeup if the rest of your body is not totally neat!
6. Dry Skin
6. dry skinIt’s unpleasant to touch dry skin. Scurfy elbows or heels look awful. Use moisturizing and nourishing shower gels, creams and body lotions after shower. If your skin still drys up in the day, carry the little lotions in your purse.
7. Bad Breath and Yellowish Teeth
7. bad breathYellowish teeth and bad breath will never attract the opposite sex. Think of the reason what causes the problem. Are you a smoker? Or is it just your poor hygiene? Maybe you drink too much coffee, black tea, or red wine? In either case, do your best to solve the problem as soon as possible. Use whitening toothpaste or strips to make your smile brighter and carry breath dragees like tictacs in your handbag.
8. Wrong Lip Liner
8. liplinerIf you have been invited on a date, probably you will also be taken to a cafe or a restaurant. Think ahead about how your lips will look after you have eaten your dinner. If you use lipstick and lip liner, then after eating food out of the two only lip liner will stay on your lips. You will probably agree that this won’t look attractive at all. It’s even worse if your lip liner is much darker than your lipstick or your natural lip colour. Such a contrast is totally inacceptable. Let your lip products be as close to your natural lip shade as possible!
9. Too Much Fragrance
9. perfumePerfume is created to help you express your individuality. But too much of a good thing is never right. A drop of your favourite aroma is enough to make a man pay attention to you. Make your aroma your little secret. That’s the best way to keep a man wondering and imagining a lot of beautiful things about your personality.
10. Public Grooming
10. public groomingTrust us, men do not want to know or see how you make yourself attractive. This ruins their illusion. Let them think you are effortlessly beautiful. All major makeup procedures should be performed at home, not in public.
Source:WMN Life

6 Days of Darkness in December 2014! Is it a hoax?

RTREU1EIt may feel like winter is slowly squeezing all the sunlight out of your day, but if you see any news stories claiming the Earth is headed for ‘Six Days of Total Darkness’ then don’t start stocking up on the tins of beans and torches just yet.
‘Satirical news site’ has been spreading this fake story far and wide on the web this week, taking in numerous Facebook and Twitter users and encouraging them to post about what they’re going to be up to during the six days of darkness.
The story on the vaguely official looking website titled “Nasa Confirms Earth Will Experience 6 Days of Total Darkness in December 2014!” claims that an incoming solar storm is to blame, causing "dust and space debris to become plentiful and thus block 90% sunlight”.
This is false. Although solar storms certainly are real phenomena (they occur due to fluctuations in the Sun’s magnetic field) they’re not like terrestrial storms that can blow up dust and dirt.
Instead they create very minor disturbances in the Earth’s magnetosphere. Historically there have been rare storms that could knock out electrical systems today, but they're mostly of the order of magnitude only likely to throw a homing pigeon slightly off course – not blot out the Sun.
However, the hoax story even drafts in some credible-sounding sources including Nasa chief Charles Bolden, who reportedly warned the public to stay calm. Some users even linked to a (real) video of Bolden talking about “emergency preparedness” – an official-sounding phrase that apparently bypasses common sense to hit the big button marked ‘PANIC’ in the brain.
In actuality Bolden recorded the video to encourage US families to think about what they would do in the event of an earthquake or hurricane – natural disasters that are a real enough threat in America.
This total-darkness hoax apparently comes in a couple of flavours (some claim that a non-existent “photon belt” is responsible for the blackout) and are so widespread that Nasa employees even had to debunk the rumours themselves back in 2012.

10 Problems Only Girls with Small Boobs Understand

If you have no boobs or really small boobs, this post is for you. It’s a serious struggle that most people just don’t understand. Clothes and bras never fit right or look normal, bras that fit are impossible to find, and we get mistaken for children all the time. Ever been told that you were a part of the “Itty Bitty Titty Committee?” I have. (Insert eye roll here.)
But desipite troubles and the harsh words and jokes we recieve, our “boobed” friends think that we have it soooo easy and they claim to be “jealous” of us. But let’s be honest…they aren’t. They look at us and think “thank goodness I have boobs, because that would stink.”
Well, it does stink, but I’ve come to find that once you embrace your lack of boobs, it’s kind of fun to laugh at it. But making fun of yourself isn’t as enjoyable when you don’t have anyone to share it with. So check this out, because you’re bound to relate to these lack-of-boobs problems whether you’ve got ‘em or not.
1. People mistake your ribs for your boobs
When you don’t have any boobs, your ribs stick out further than your chest, like this girl. I call this problem “rib boobs.” When you wear tight clothes it looks like your boobs are awkwardly in the middle of your torso. Oh, and if you aren’t built like a twig (which most of us aren’t), chances of your stomach sticking out farther than your boobs are pretty high too.
2. People mistake you for a 9 year old
9 yr oldYou get mistaken for being 9-years-old ALL THE TIME. Or worse… you see primary schoolers who have bigger boobs than you.
3. Bikini tops look awkward
Enough said.
4. Sticky bras don’t stick
sticky braDespite common belief, girls that don’t have boobs can’t wear sticky bras. First of all, the cups don’t fit. Second of all, there is absolutely nothing to hold them up, so backless shirts are a no go, unless you want to be really scandalous and go braless, which would really only make your boobs look even smaller.
5. Bandeau tops slide down
Bandeau topsSame with bandeau tops. You would think that bandeau tops are PERFECT for girls with no boobs, but they are not. This Forever 21 Geo Craze Bandeau might look good on this small-boobed model for the picture, but wait until she lifts up her arms. That thing will fall down in a second! No boobs = nothing for bandeau bras and tops to hold on to.
6. People refer to your boobs as mosquito bites
Yeah … awkward.
7. Push-up bras don’t work
push up braPush-up bras for girls with small boobs seem like a no-brainer, right? Wrong.
Girls with small boobs can’t wear push up bras! Even though they’re sold in AA and A, they don’t work. Think about it. There’s nothing to push! Sorry VS, no Bombshell Bras for us.
8. Victoria’s Secret doesn’t have your size
victoria's secret no sizeBra shopping is a huge hassle when you don’t have boobs. Either everything is sold out, or they don’t even sell your miniature size. Serious discrimination.
Take Victoria’s Secret for example. Ever shop in their store? You’ll see sizes B-DD, unless you’re SUPER lucky. Girls with no boobs are forced to shop in the PINK section, where everything looks and feels like it was made for a pre-teen. Oh wait…it was.
9. Chicken cutlets are your lifesavers
chicken cutletsIf you don’t have any boobs, you probably already know that Chicken Cutlets are the best things ever, or if you have a no-boobed friend you’ve probably heard her say, “Wait! I forgot to put in my chicken cutlets,” before you two left to go out.
They’re like the grown-up version of stuffing your bra. Stick these things in there and BAM! instant boobs. If you don’t have boobs, I suggest you get some of these NOW!
10. People you know with big boobs feel bad for you
big boobs feel badYour big boobed friends are constantly trying to make you feel better by saying things like:
“I wish I didn’t have boobs. They’re annoying.”
“Well…At least you have a butt.”
Or “Why don’t you get a boob job?”
They will just never understand the struggle.
SOURCE: She Finds

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Are you into selfies? Harmful effects "revealed"

_67944812_obama-girlsYoung people should stop taking selfies in order to avoid catching head lice, a Russian government agency has advised.
The selfie craze, where people cram together to fit into an arms-length photo, is the main reason for the spread of the parasites, according to the Kursk regional department of Rospotrebnadzor, a government body which advises on human well-being. Taking photos in such close quarters with another person's head means the lice can jump from one hairy home to another, it warns, noting that doctors have banned children with head lice from going to school.
Rospotrebnadzor's decisions have proved controversial in the past. Its former head, Gennady Onishchenko, once suggested killing crows, describing them as feathered wolves which spread bird flu. He was also associated with banning food and drink imports from countries unpopular with the Kremlin. The agency's lice advice has been mocked by social media users in Russia. "Are they suggesting most young Russians have lice?" Georgy Klochkov asks on the Lenta news website. Another user says: "This is wonderful!! Onishchenko's work still flourishes - the more bonkers the reason, the better."

11 Ways to Never Look Bad in a Photo Again

Let’s face the facts: you already know you’re a hottie. But looking good in front of the camera is about more than just that. It’s about discovering your signature smile, securing great lighting and knowing exactly what to wear and how to strike a pose. How to unleash your inner top model we asked the experts. Check out these 11 best tips for looking hot in photos.

1. Think Pleasant Thoughts

This might seem trite, but sometimes the best way to get a good expression is to realistically think about something pleasant: a special memory, your favorite moment, or a sentimental sweet thing your friend, spouse, or child did for you, says photographer and editorial stylist Anna Naphtali. “Real thoughts of happiness help get a genuine smile or look and calm an otherwise forced facial expression.”

2. Work on Your Facial Expressions and Posing
If you have thin lips, part them slightly and blow lightly to create the illusion of fuller ones, advises international model Sarah Ingle. “Those with round faces should avoid facing the camera straight on and instead turn the head slightly to one side.” Have a weak chin or an over-projected nose? Sarah suggests shifting the jaw forward a bit when photographed from the side for a more balanced profile.

3. Find Your Signature Smile
Ever notice how most celebs are typically seen on the red carpet with the same smile and pose time after time? Well, it’s because they’ve figured out what works for them, notes beauty and style expert, and former international model, Tiffany Hendra. “Grab your iPhone and take some photos of yourself until you find a ‘signature’ smile that you’re pleased with.” Hey, practice makes perfect, right?

4. Keep It Simple
Getty Images staff photographer Jamie McCarthy’s best advice? Keep it simple. “Don’t force your pose, make it relaxed and comfortable. Try not to look like a deer caught in headlights either. Make sure to stand up straight and even slightly arch your back.” And just like Tiffany said, practice, practice, practice!

5. Remember: Proper Lighting Is Key
According to portraiture photographer Aaron Gil, the ultimate tip for looking good in photos is finding proper lighting that complements your face. “Avoid harsh shadows which accentuate blemishes and cause contrasting dark areas under your eyes or beneath the nose,” he says. “Complementary lighting is even from the top of the forehead to the bottom of the chin, as well as from cheek to cheek.”

6. You DON’T Have a Bad Side
Contrary to common thought, a bad side doesn’t actually exist, says celebrity fashion photographer and former model, Nigel Barker. “Focus all that energy on looking into the camera with confidence and slightly turning your body at an angle to either side. This will help show off your ‘WOW!’ figure.”

7. Shape Your Silhouette When Seated
“Your figure can become lost in the background if you don’t adjust your pose when seated,” says Nigel. “So be sure to sit up straight and towards the edge of your chair. This will lengthen your torso and ensure the camera captures your best silhouette.”

8. Wear the Right Clothes
Wearing the right color clothing can help you look 5 to 10 pounds lighter, notes Gil. “Clothing in darker tones slims the mid-section, thighs, and arms. You should avoid high capped and poofy sleeves however, as these types of sleeves will accentuate the thickest parts of your arm.” Horizontal stripes are also a no-no, as they can make your hips and waist appear much wider than they actually are.

9. Raise the Camera
Notice how when you ask someone shorter than your boyfriend to take a photo of you both, it makes his jawline disappear? That’s because they’re shooting up at him, says Tiffany. “Always lift the camera to at least eyeline or slightly higher. It gives everyone that GQ jawline.”

10. Put Your Hands on Your Hips
Putting your hands on your hips is always a good look, says McCarthy. “It can accentuate your waist, give you the perception of being slimmer, and even make the photo look more natural and animated instead of just stiff with your arms at your sides.” When posing this way, McCarthy recommends positioning your hands with your fingers out, palms facing behind you. “This gives you the opportunity to show off any rings or other jewelry and also looks much more natural and comfortable.”

11. Know What Makeup to Wear (and What to Avoid)
“If my client plans to wear makeup or work with a makeup artist, I always have them keep in mind that foundations or concealers containing SPF reflect light and should be avoided,” notes Amanda Bellucco, a professional photographer from upstate New York. “Combine this with a flash, and you’ll end up looking pale, washed out and shiny,” she says. “Stick with a matte finish on the face instead, and remember, the camera does tend to slightly downplay things like lip color, blush, and especially eye makeup, so don’t be afraid to go a little heavier handed in these areas.”

By Elizabeth Mitchell, Elizabeth Mitchell graduated from NYU in 2009 and briefly dabbled in the world of fashion PR before realizing her dream of becoming a writer. In addition to theFashionSpot, she regularly contributes to SheKnows, The Luxury Spot, Latest-Hairstyles, StylebakeryTeen and Sister 2 Sister magazine. Follow her on Instagram and Twitter @theneonblonde.

Vote SAUTI SOL for MTV EMA Best Worldwide Act 2014

MTV and MTV Base have revealed Kenyan afro-pop group Sauti Sol as the winner of Best African Act at the 2014 MTV Europe Awards (EMA). Sauti Sol is the first Kenyan act ever to receive this award. Sauti Sol emerging top in the hotly-contested category at one of the biggest global music events of the year, has catapulted the band and Kenyan music as a force to reckon with in Africa and beyond.

Beating African artists Davido (Nigeria), Diamond (Tanzania), Toofan (Togo) and Goldfish (South Africa) to win Best African Act MTV EMA 2014, Kenyan group Sauti Sol are now the sole African ambassadors at EMA. They have made it into the final voting phase: into the prestigious Worldwide Act award category, as one of 10 international Worldwide Act nominees.

The MTV EMA – MTV’s global celebration of the hottest stars in music – recognizes artists from around the world and across genres, and brings together music fans everywhere for a one-of-a-kind experience in the weeks leading up to and at the show.

The 2014 MTV EMA will broadcast live from the SSE Hydro in Glasgow on MTV and MTV Base on Sunday 9 November at 22:00 CAT. Global hip hop superstar Nicki Minaj will host the 2014 MTV EMA. Calvin Harris, Charli XCX, Ariana Grande and Ed Sheeran have been previously confirmed to perform at the 2014 MTV EMA.

Voting for Sauti Sol (Africa) in the nominations for the Worldwide Act category is open from 12:00 CAT on Thursday 23 October via and will close at 00:59 CAT on Wednesday 29 October. The winner of this category will be revealed during the 2014 MTV EMA in Glasgow.

Previous winners of Best African Act have included 2Face [2005], Freshlyground [2006], D’Banj [2007 & 2012] and LCNVL [2013].

This year has seen Sauti Sol nominated in several awards such as MTV Africa Music Awards, Channel O Africa Music Video Awards, UK’s BEFFTA Awards, OLX Soma awards which they won, AFRIMA and MTV EMA.

Monday, October 27, 2014

8 Signs You’re in the Right Relationship

Research shows these key factors are essential to a healthy, happy and satisfying partnership for years to come. If you could find out the secret that keeps couples happy and together for the long haul, wouldn’t you want to know? We thought so.

Happy, long-term couples shared nine key factors, from being able to fight nice to having a satisfying sex life. They also found that these couples weren’t annoyingly blissful all the time either. “What we can see is that there are still some issues to work out for the couples who are stable and long-term—everything isn’t perfect,” explains Ilona Jerabek, Ph.D., president of PsychTests. “But the common theme for those with happy, long-term relationships is ‘togetherness.’ They do things together, they work out issues together, they discuss and they share."

Here are the 8 signs that you’re in a solid and satisfying relationship:
#1: You love and appreciate each other.
Love is, of course, the essential ingredient in any happy, romantic relationship so it’s no shocker that it nabbed the number one slot. But its occasionally forgotten sidekick—appreciation—is one of the key factors that keeps love alive. “I tell my clients never to take their partner for granted,” says Rachel Sussman, psychotherapist, relationship expert and author of “The Breakup Bible.” “The small acts of kindness—the thank you’s, making an extra cup of coffee for your partner—these little things go a really long way.” 

#2: You openly share your thoughts and feelings.
In a healthy relationship, you can open up and share how you feel without your partner mocking you, rolling his eyes at you or ignoring you. “It’s really important to be able to articulate if something is bothering you—whether it’s about your own personal stuff or if your partner is doing something that’s upsetting you,” says Sussman. “Having open communication and constructive criticism is an opportunity for you both to take a look at yourselves and grow and change.”

#3: You make decisions together and share the burden of responsibilities.
From paying for lunch to cleaning up after a meal (if at home) to picking up holiday cards, healthy couples tackle their daily “to-do” list as a team to keep their relationship and household humming along. That doesn’t necessarily mean you have to divvy up chores even-steven, but rather it’s important to chat about expectations, suggests Sussman, and decide together who should do what to eliminate frustration (“You didn’t take out the trash!”). 
#4: You strive to resolve conflict constructively.
Rather than going for low blows or having an explosive fight, stable partnerships are able to navigate those tricky relationship time bombs, such as where to spend the holidays, with respect and a focus on finding solutions you’re both satisfied with.

#5: Your goals and values are in sync.
Whether it’s the fact that you and your partner both want two kids, or you’re on the same page with religion, having shared values and goals helps keep a couple connected and heading the same direction.
#6: You make spending quality time together a priority.
Bonded couples are happy with the amount of time they spend together and find activities they can enjoy together. “When couples come to me because infidelity is involved and their connection fell apart, it can be because they’ve stopped spending time together and having fun together,” says Sussman. “So do activities—go to the gym together, ride bikes, spend time with friends, travel and have new experiences. It’s bonding.”

#7: You're satisfied with your social life as a couple.
Whether you're both the life of the party, total homebodies, or one of each, happy couples are cool with what each partner brings to the table socially, rather than trying to change the other person into someone they’re not.

#8: You feel a sense of freedom.
Stable couples express their opinions freely and don’t feel suffocated or held back by the relationship in any way. “The relationship shouldn’t feel like a burden, like it’s sucking life out of you, but rather that it’s breathing life into you,” says Sussman.

By Rachel Grumman Bender