Wednesday, September 4, 2013

How To Stop Being Friend-Zoned

The “Friend Zone” is a place when you meet a honiez and unexpectedly fall into, like a hole that opens up underneath your feet. You decide to be a “friend” to this mammah and show her how “friendly” you can be by being there for her, listening to her and you hope if you wait long enough, she will see you for the dazzling guy you really are and come running to you with open arms *pause for effect...*
In some cases, yes, this approach could work, but most times you’ve been trapped in the “Friend Zone” with no way out. Today’s lesson; the best way to stop being Friend-Zoned is not to get friend-zoned in the first place. How? Here are 5 sure-fire ways:
1. Stop Being Nice - Girls like bad boys, deal with it. They can't explain why they like bad boys, but they do. I don't mean you become a total A-Hole, but just stop being nice to the girl you want.
2. Hit On Her Immediately - You see a girl you like and you want her, then hit on her. Don't wait for her to see find out all your good qualities, she can do that after she's your girlfriend. 
3. Have No Excuses for being a Man - She's a girl, you're a dude; you're going to want to tap that a** at some point. Don't pretend that you don't have ulterior motives coz all of us men want the girl anyway. A fly chics expect to be hit on, and won't like you any less for doing so. When you hit on a chic, she's not friend-zoning you.
4. Embrace Rejection - Your fear of being rejected is your biggest cause of friend-zoning. There's a reason there are more chics than dudes; so that you can hit on more than one. Rejection is only a way to figure out how not to hit on the next chic. Eventually, you're going to learn how to perfect your hits. 
5. Chics Can Sense P***y A** Men - Fly honiez start being hit on by the age of 12. By 16 they've been hit on by probably 500 dudes. By 18 they know how to friend-zone before you even approach them. The best way to avoid friend-zoning is to show no fear, just hit on them for the sake. You will be surprised.
If you can't learn these 5 tips, then you're doomed the friend-zone for life.


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