Sunday, April 20, 2014

DJ Pierra Gets Cozy with Female Fan

This weekend, the most happening city (yes, Nakuru needs to be upgraded to a city coz of the way they party hard) to be in was Nax! And Shaffie & Bernard Kioko (courtesy of adafdagg) were throwing the biggest party this side of the Rift Valley.
But like the die-hard party goers say; what happens in Nax Vegas, stays in Nax Vegas... unless you post it on IG! 
Well it looks like one Pierra Makena, a.k.a. DJ Pierra doesn't live by the Nax party mantra. She posted this pic of a female fan & herself getting real cosy on her Instagram page...

She added this caption to go with the pic:

I love my male fans! But I looove the female fans alot! Support from other chicks is dope..! Killed it in Naxvegas...#prettygirlsloveprettygirls!!!!!! #nohomo well......:-)

All we can say is, "hmmmmm..."

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