Thursday, April 3, 2014

Struggling on a date?
Are you doing these things?

1. You text under the table
Come on. You are on a date and the dude is not blind, you know. If he isn’t that interesting , why did you bother attending the date in the first place?

2. Eating Disorder
  Girls! Girls! Girls! Why the heck do you have to pretend that you don’t eat that much when on a date?

3 Stop fleecing guys
You order all the expensive stuff and you leave the guy to get himself tap water. SMH!

4.Using the bathroom frequently
 Girls should stop using the bathroom frequently. I mean, I understand that you have to stay pretty but you spend half the time of the date in there; cut the dude some slack.

5. Being early for a date
Who said that being early for a date means that you are cheap? Show the dude that you are independent enough plus responsible by keeping time. It sure helps in the future.

6. Kiss and tell
 Kiss and tell is the ugliest trade. You just had a great date then you go shouting it out on the rooftops for your friends to hear. Not that I’m jealous or anything, but who the hell cares? I mean, it’s your business, isn’t it? If he’s that great, you might end up losing him to one of your girls. I’m just saying though. WATCH OUT FI DIS!

7.Appreciate humor
 You should know how to appreciate humor – even the dry jokes. That’s if you really like the guy. Can you imagine that the guy crammed or rather memorized them for an entire night? LOL! Things we do for love. Force a laugh, won’t you?

9. Case of the EX
Avoid talking about your ex. It’s a total turn off plus it seems like you still have a hangover from being with him.

By Lavera Ndanunga aka Penpuke
Moi Girls Eldoret (Cagez)

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