Wednesday, October 2, 2013

al-Shabaab Recruiting High School Teeniez

al-Shabaab seem to either be getting very desperate or aggressive if the piece on the Kenya Daily Post is to be believed. According to the Kenya Daily Post;

"...NIS has also identified that Al-Shabaab’s recruitment was going on in schools, citing Nairobi Technical School, Highway Secondary, Eastleigh High and Sheikh Khalifa in Mombasa, as recruitment bases for Al-Shabaab." 

If this report is true, it looks like Highie and Easich have become prime targets for al-Shabaab recruitment. Reports like these (should they be true) are a cause for concern about school security, especially when you consider that in Nigeria, Boko Haram recently killed students in school.
Boko Haram gunmen on Sunday opened fire in a college dormitory in northeast Nigeria as the students slept, killing 40, in the latest massacre blamed on the Islamist insurgents.
All of the dead were students of the College of Agriculture in the town of Gujba in Yobe state. According to a Nigerian government military spokesman, the early morning attack was carried out by "Boko Haram terrorists who went into the school and opened fire on students" while they were sleeping. 
A screengrab taken on September 25, 2013 from a video distributed through an intermediary shows a man claiming to be the leader of Boko Haram, Abubakar Shekau
The man claiming to be the Boko Haram leader, Abubakr Shekau (AFP)
It is quite evident that schools are an easy target for groups like al-Shabaab. The question we at The Insyder would like to pose; what measures is the GoK taking to ensure that our schools are safe and secure? 

Marcus Itimu,
Reporter Extraordinaire,
Insyder Mobile

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