Thursday, October 3, 2013

So Is It True That Chics Gain Weight When On The Pill?

Have you ever heard the tale about gaining weight if you were on the pill? Or the one of becoming infertile? Well, C-Word wants to set the record straight on this issue. Check out this new PSA (Public Service Announcement) that seeks to dispel the myths that surround contraceptives and their correct and consistent use. 

It is aimed at helping youth overcome their fears against using modern contraceptive methods as it educates. In this video, we see that most girls are afraid of using contraceptives because of gaining weight. However, different women react differently to contraceptives. It is advisable to speak to your doctor before using any contraceptive, in order to inform your choice. 
And if you're in high school and you're reading this, then you should be focusing on your education, getting good grades and making it to university. Smart high school teens know that education is priority. 
If you can't see the video, please CLICK HERE

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