Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Drake Jokes

The Drake jokes ain't about to stop any time soon. Here are some of our favourites...

1) If you say your ex's name three times in the mirror like bloody Mary, Drake will appear and cry with you.
2)Drake that type of guy to put a flower behind his ear 
3) Drake is that type of guy who shows up to a party two hours early to help set up chairs
4) Drake is the type of guy to leave his phone at his girls house on purpose with a note that says 'I trust you'
5) Drake is that guy that probably does push-ups with his knees on the ground
6) Drake is that type of dude that'll tell Rick Ross he's not fat, he's thick
7) Drake is that guy who'll have a one-night stand and save her number as 'The one that got away'
8) Drake is that type of guy that will hold his girlfriends purse at the club while she twerks on another dude.
9) Drake is that type of dude that will cover his homie's eyes from behind and say 'Guess who?'
10) Drake is that type of guy that says 'No babe, you ain't pregnant...we are'
11) Drake is that type of guy that will go to a museum, hold a dinosaur fossil in one hand and whisper "You still exist to me"
12) Drake is the type of guy to walk in on his girlfriend cheating and say "Sorry I came in at the wrong time"
13) Don't Drake and drive or you'll end up in your ex's house
14) Drake is that type of guy who will lick his fingers before he turns the page.
15) Drake is that type of guy who always removes a USB safely.
All jokes aside though, Drake is that type of guy who will have his album leaked and still hit number 1. Yes, his recently dropped 'Nothing was the same' album sold 638, 000 copies within its first week of official release, which equates to $7.6 million...which is about Ksh 661,200,000. Yes, Drake is that type of guy.

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