Friday, October 25, 2013

Top 3 signs that you're in the friendzoned

1) She talks about other guys to you. Sometimes when you're chilling, she'll point out a fly guy and openly proceed to exclaim at how fine they are. Alternatively, you'll notice her ogling at other dudes (Yes. chics do this too)
2) It takes her a while to respond to your texts or messages on social media. Unfortunately, guys don't seem to get this point, as obvious as it may seem. She keeps ignoring your Facebook chat greetings which you incessantly keep sending whenever she pops up online because she's just not feeling you. Next time you whatsapp her at 8.00 am and she hasn't replied by 8.00 pm (especially if she does this often) and you can see that she's been online...dude, you're in the friendzone.
3) When she gets in a relationship with someone else and you're still in the picture, don't get it twisted...she's just not that into you. Again, guys never seem to get the message and continue chasing after chics who only see them as brothers. Let's get this straight: if you've been clear about your feelings for her and she still goes ahead and gets serious with anaa dude, she's just not that into you bro. Keep stepping and hopefully you'll meet the one at the next turn.

So there you have it. These are the top three signs that you+her will only ever= friends forever. Take the hint and save yourself the looming heartbreak.

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