Monday, October 14, 2013


Are you looking to take your first major step in the digital journalism ladder? Can you crank out fresh, original, funny copy? Do you have a youthful perspective to life?Then The Insydermight have the perfect opportunity for you.
Kenya’s leading youth brand is offering an internship position to ONE lucky blogger.The job opportunity comes with a reasonable monthly stipend and will give you invaluable experience of both our digital and print platforms, where your best work will be published.
Super Powers Required
·        Ability to produce fresh, funky & fantastic ideas is absolutely mandatory
·        Be a 4thyear, pursuing a degree in Journalism, Communication or equivalent
·        Have at least 2 years experience as a writer working in a university magazine/newspaper environment
·        Completely computer literate and tech savvy
·        You MUST have your own active blog, and also preferably, a Facebook page
·        A genuine interest in youth culture – proven participation with youth or in youth-related activities will be an added advantage
·        Must have a portfolio of work
·        Must have a Klout score of 40 and above(to find out your Klout score log on

The selection will depend on level of experience, and proven writing &creativity prowess.

Send Cover Letter of application and CV to: on or before
Thursday,October 31st, 2013

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