Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Floyd Mayweather shows you how to spend money

If you are an undefeated professional boxer who's made about $90million for just two fights this year would you spend that mullah? Well, Floyd 'Money' Mayweather shows you how it's done. Check this:
1) He doesn't wear shoes more than once. When he travels, he leaves them in his hotel room for the staff. As for boxers, he spends about $6,500 on them per year and tosses them out after wearing them only once.
2) He owns a G5 private jet...coz he can. When he travels, he doesn't let his full entourage ride on it because he fears having excees weight on the cabin.
3)  He makes seven-figure bets at sporting events...coz to him, losing all that money will be like parting with loose change.
4) He likes getting swanked out, and doesn't mind spending millions on bling. He also bought his (ex?) fiancee this huuuge ring

5) He has no endorsement deal as is the norm with other athletes. However, he has his own clothing label dubbed 'the money team'
6) He loves cars as evidenced by his impressive collection. All his cars in Miami are black while all those in Las Vegas are white. Check out some of the cars from his all white collection:

His lambourghini Murcielago

He got two matching rolls royce phantoms and asked his fans to choose which one looked better with his outfit. He also got two matching Maybachs.
6) He instagrams pictures of his money when he's a bit idle...probably while wondering what he should blow it up on next.
He might be one to play hard but Floyd definitely works hard as well. He wakes up at 3.00am to train and takes his work very seriously. The message from Money May is hard, work smart and be sure to enjoy your success.

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